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God literally emptied himself! No power on earth or in space can do that except the power of God. Humans cannot empty themselves. They hate the idea. They want to be great. There's not a powerful person on earth who has ever genuinely emptied himself or herself, not especially those who claim to have done so. They humbled themselves, but not from a position of genuine greatness and awesome power. From utmost supremacy, Jesus made himself nothing.
"..he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." [Philippians 2.7]
It's so powerful that GOD made himself nothing. The idea explodes in my mind when I stop everything to meditate on it. We all try to make ourselves somebody, someone recognized and applauded, someone great, and this is why we love attending seminars on leadership. They're all about leadership. I hope somebody would come up with a seminar on how to be nothing and a slave and let's see who attends it. But becoming nothing is not through any seminar, lecture or schooling, title or degree. It's endowed by GOD's grace. I also love the New Living Translation:
"Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form."
If GOD's promises in the bible don't seem to work, you may be missing
something vital in the operational systems of GOD's Kingdom.
Gave up his divine privileges. I love that. We cannot give up anything and yet behave like we own anything substantial. We own nothing and yet we refuse to accept it. We believe that what we have now were had through our hard efforts. I've heard this from a lot of church people who claim to know GOD. If they don't actually say it (or if they deny it) they act it. Actions speak louder. And GOD didn't just say or claim it. He did it. He gave up his divine privileges, made himself nothing.
That changed the whole course of the world. I always marvel at the fact how Jesus could choose to be a mere slave. Why not a law teacher or a Pharisee or Herod's son? Or at least a respected business man or even a decent employee like Jairus, the synogogue ruler? God showed us how the only way to really topple the gigantic world system is Word-made-flesh, or giving up everything and be a slave, everything from an extremely and radically humble standpoint. It's not leadership seminars or building mega churches and denominational empires.
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The least is the greatest in the Kingdom, he stressed once. But no one got the idea. Today, even the church wants prominence if not greatness, to achieve this and that and be ahead of the rest through material possessions, influence, power, titles--things approved by the world. No one wants to give up anything and assume meekness in the form of a slave. They all understand power from the viewpoint of the world.
Word made flesh doesn't stop with Jesus. The principle should live on in the daily lives of all true believers who have Jesus in them. The Word should be made flesh in us, given form by our person, given meaning by our lives. Reading "Christ in you" [Colossians 1.27] is powerful. But actually living it, realizing that the very Jesus Christ is 100 percent in you, and letting the Jesus LIFE manifest in you, is awesome. It is more powerful than 100 nuclear bombs exploding at the same time. Church and ministry without the bodily manifestation of the JESUS LIFE in the believers is garbage no matter how big, moneyed, and multi-ministry the church is.
Word-made-flesh is what we should focus on, not church programs, activities or even "church planting," and Word-made-flesh is what we should share with others. It is the Good News of Salvation, the unseen gospel because very few see it, growing in ever-increasing glory, from glory to glory, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ!
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