Showing posts with label Glorious Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glorious Church. Show all posts

This Keeps the Church Deceived Big Time

You know what's really messing up church today? It's this idea that there's no perfect church, so don't look for one. It says, though the church is not perfect, it has a perfect GOD. And most people agree. But would a perfect GOD settle for an imperfect church? HE has already laid out in Scripture what HIS true church is. Through HIS love and Word, HE is preparing "a radiant church, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish but holy and pure," [Ephesians 5.25-27]
Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

Photo above by Ravi Pinisetti on Unsplash

The Direction GOD Points us to 

This is the direction for the church and all of us should be on this path from GOD. If we look anything different because we're taking a different path, we're running off course and should double back. We should get out of the devil's race track. At least, it should be in the church's heart to pursue the glorious-church course, though the church may miss the mark now and then. The imporant thing is we're on the right path--pursuing to be a glorious church of Jesus Christ--and not insisting that there's no perfect church. There is. It's the church Jesus died for and sanctifies. 

Jesus also stressed that true believers should "be perfect" as their heavenly Father is perfect. A lot in church are mocking this passage, denying its truth and short of saying that Jesus wasn't really serious about perfection but merely alluding to it as some sort of figure of speech. At best, it's merely about perfecting our love. Agreed. And it should be what we look for in a church. If the church we attend doesn't have it--and worse, is not serious about it one bit--then we better start looking for another. 

If GOD's promises in the bible doesn't seem to work, you may be missing 
something vital in the operational systems of GOD's Kingdom. 

Then Anything Goes

Maintaining that there is no perfect church makes us water down or even disregard the standards GOD has put for HIS church, and this helps Satan's deception a lot in these last days. Anything goes in church as long as it is effective, packs in more people and makes lots of money. The devil makes sneezing at GOD's standards look okay and normal, at the same time making us feel approved by grace even with substandard spirituality. The Lord's warning should give us a good idea about what HIS standard is. If it's not enough that we prophecy and drive out demons, how much more if we trash GOD's standards? 

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ [Matthew 7]

And insisting that there's no perfect church so don't look for one will put our guards down and make us part of the evil doers Jesus never knew, and this without us noticing it. Jesus told us to leave blind guides who are like plants the Father has not planted. When they're pulled out by the roots, we can be pulled out with them. The yeast of wrong churches (imperfect churches or those not in the path of perfection) can easily leaven up the whole dough, and Jesus told his disciples to beware of this yeast. 

Leave Them!

Jesus saying we should leave blind guides is a powerful sign urging us to look for the perfect church and leave whatever does not take GOD's maxims and exemplars seriously. And it's a command, not a suggestion or wish. We have to watch what or who is blind and leave them. Peter and the apostles were far from being perfect as GOD wanted them to be, and the church they headed was far from being the glorious church at the time. But their path was right. They seriously pursued after the glorious church and determined to be that church, all by GOD's grace and mercy, solely by faith. They never said there was no perfect church and we should stop looking for one. They saw to it that no Pharisaical yeast was being mixed with their bread. 

Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.
[Hebrews 12.15]
No doubt, the church should welcome sinners, for instance, but no one should be serving at the altar who still wallows in sin or is not totally surrendered to the Lord. Serving the Lord is a priesthood function and entrusted only to those who are well aware of their priestly covenant and commitment with the Lord. Any trace of pride or arrogance, for example, makes you unfit to serve at the altar. If carnal people or calloused sinners are allowed to serve in your church, leave it. Go look for the church that pursues Jesus' glorious church. We are called to be part of GOD's very own godly nature.

"...that by these (exceedingly great and precious promises) ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."
[2 Peter 1.4]


And even if our gospel is unseen, it is unseen to those who are perishing. [2 Corinthians 4.3]

Common Feature of True Kingdom Ministries
Praying in private with his disciples one day, Jesus suddenly asked, "Who do people say that I am?" The disciples' answers were quite revealing---John the baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets. Jesus' ministry looked like the ministries of the prophets, and vice versa. They all looked alike to people. They all had the common feature of true Kingdom ministries.

The common feature is God's DNA. The present move of God.

Among God's Kingdom dynamics on earth was the prophet, priest and king threesome teamwork. These are all features of God's DNA. Jesus embodies all three of them. The king and priests worked together in nation building and governance while the prophet provided them direction. Since Paul said that the dominant work of an apostle is laying down the foundation "as an expert builder," the king and priests in the Old Testament functioned somewhat in the apostolic.

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So the triad operated in the apostolic-prophetic. Then God did a new move in David. David operated on all three anointings. One person carried all three. He was king, priest and prophet. He was a harbinger of things to come, which was the ministry of Jesus. From the family line of David came Jesus Christ, but Jesus carried all three anointings in unprecedented Kingdom power.

This is why we need to receive Jesus Christ into our bodies---to have the three-prong anointing fully operational in us. Receiving Jesus is primarily for salvation, but it's also for Kingdom ministry---for Kingdom Come purposes and to build the glorious church of Jesus Christ. This Kingdom church cannot be built up except through God's DNA using the apostolic-prophetic anointing in Christ. It's all supernatural, nothing of human effort or brilliance.

We don't have to go along with the world and attract people to our churches using worldly ways and standards. No need for any gimmick. No need to lure people with our nice buildings, facilities, elaborate programs, instruments and comfy seats. We have the full backing of the Holy Spirit power in the three-prong anointing and that's all we need, really. We need to genuinely hear from the Spirit. We have to go back to having God's imagination.

The true church can only be built by Christ himself. He said, "On this rock I will build my church." It cannot be built by human ways, desire, effort, and intellect. It cannot be built in the ways and standards of this world. It can only be built by God's ways---through the apostolic-prophetic anointing in Christ.

It's Christ in us the hope of glory. It's all spiritual and supernatural. Anything you build outside this realm is NOT Jesus' church. Impressive and successful, yes. Peopled and moneyed, yes. But it's not what Jesus is coming back for.

It should be Christ in us (led solely by the Holy Spirit) doing the church ministry and building the Kingdom on earth.

This explains why Jesus' ministry had striking similarities with John the baptist's ministry, and with Elijah's and the prophets'. One look and the people saw how they were identical. They mistook one for the other. They had the same DNA. These ministries didn't look anything like the ministries of the high priest, law teachers, and Pharisees---leaders of men's "bible-based" religion. Judaism was bible-based but human led nonetheless. It didn't have the common feature of true Kingdom ministries.

After you do a ministry, ask yourself: who do people say that Jesus is? Often, we do ministries so we can have an impact on people. And in our subconscious, we wonder what the people think about us or our church. But Kingdom ministries think about what people think about Jesus. Do they see Jesus as the Christ when they look at our ministry? Do they get a supernatural revelation of Jesus? Or do they see nothing but man's church or religion?

Do they see us as Jesus' church, or just another man's church or religious association or organization, no different from the Rotary Club or Kiwanis or other NGOs? Are they reminded of God's prophets and the prophetic move of God in the bible? Or are we just another relief organization operating in the earthly realms? It was imperative that Jesus asked, "Who do people say that I am?"

And it's imperative, too, that we possess the common feature of true Kingdom ministries in the bible to set us apart from earthly ones. We're called to be aliens and strangers in this world. We must represent the Kingdom, and thus we must possess its features as seen in the ministries of Jesus and the prophets. One look at us and people know that we are unmistakably from God (not of this world), coming straight from HIS Kingdom, and not just another man-made "Christian" religion, church or ministry.

UNSEEN GOSPEL: And even if our gospel is unseen, it is unseen to those who are perishing. [2 Corinthians 4.3]

Church Still Can't Handle God's Gold [2]

[Here's Part 1]

Often we ask God for money because we need it for our personal expense. In His faithfulness, He gives us the amount we need, sometimes intentionally making it short of meeting the amount we think we need--and then making us see how the financial needs of others, especially of nonbelievers, are given even over and above what is needed. But rest assured, God always gives us enough, exactly what we need.

When God finally sees in our hearts that we need money only because we need it for building His Kingdom on earth, only then will He bring out pure gold from His inner chambers and take it to the temple court and even beyond the gate. For now, church can only handle bronze. And we have to live with that for a while.

So folks, don't brag about your mega church buildings or posh sanctuaries designed state-of-the-art. However expensive it is, it's just bronze in the spirit.

Even churches and Christians who think they are so "blessed" because they have more money than others shouldn't think highly of themselves. God gives you wealth so you can give them all up. But no one wants to do that today. God blesses them with wealth and they store it up for themselves and make a show of it--their lifestyles become sophisticated, they act and live like the rich and famous of this world, they travel for pleasure, buy costly cars and clothes, build or live in mansions. 

Some even buy private airplanes and jets, and brag about them in their "testimonies" or sermons and sometimes even on Facebook--unbelievable--everything Jesus said in His Sermon we shouldn't do.

God gives you wealth so you can find occasion to prove yourself--that you can give them all up for HIM. Only then will God give you true riches. No church denomination can do this today, that's why God will destroy everything man-made, even man-made "born-again" churches.

When God sees that His gold is safe in the hands of meek and selfless men of God, then He will release His material riches to build His spiritual Kingdom on earth by Jesus' glorious church, which is without spot or wrinkle or any blemish but holy and pure!

The important thing is Christ's simplicity. I and my wife and family still try to live up to this Kingdom principle--it takes some getting used to--because we are daily bombarded with suggestions and brain-washing on what they say we need. Even the church sometimes take the lead in suggesting what non-essentials we need, like church buildings, hi-tech praise and worship, hi-tech sound systems, church vehicles, etc. 

It's sad to see church denomination leaders and "men of God" in their expensive cars and mansions and posh offices--all of which Jesus had none. Once he just rode on a “borrowed” donkey, that's what I read in the Book. The moment church gets to touch even a bit of God's pure gold, they'd use it for their self convenience and welfare, then parade to all how "blessed" they are. They've been doing that for ages.

But God is going to change all that. He is now raising up true servants who are closely and radically getting the Jesus LIFE and ministry. I want to see (and God will let me see soon) true men of God who commute in public vehicles to conferences and crusades, who are in plain t-shirts and cheap jeans and simple sandals or shoes, with plain and simple guitars for worship and who do not plan for evangelistic crusades and advertise them but which just happen and grow big as Jesus and the Acts church had them. 

I want to see true men of God who live in simple, humble homes, almost unknown and faceless and so radically selfless and have no big ambition but just ready to have what God has predestined for them, dying to obey God and join Him in building His spiritual Kingdom on earth. When God sees that His gold is safe in the hands of these meek and selfless men of God, then He will release His material riches to build His spiritual Kingdom on earth by the Jesus' glorious church, which is without spot or wrinkle or any blemish but holy and pure!

We need more of God's enabling grace to really live as aliens in this world, and by God's grace and mercy we are not far away from finally being thus. When God gives you His vision, you will surely see its fulfillment for yourself. You or your descendants (your Joshua generation) will surely accomplish it in His power. 

The unseen Gospel will soon be plain to see by all fully revived souls in Christ!

Church Still Can't Handle God’s Gold
Unseen Gospel sees the material prosperity of the church in these last days. We will see the unprecedented spiritual and material blessings God will pour in the last days, as well as unprecedented signs and wonders.

But before that can happen, we need to soak in the cleansing and refining work of the Holy Spirit and the Jesus cross. The church as it is today cannot handle God's gold. What mega churches and wealthy churches have today is not "wealth transfer" or the prophesied abundance that God will pour out on His church in the last days. These are mere worldly material "blessings" God gives to both the wicked and righteous.

And anyway, the modern church is so allergic to sufferings. Almost all its prayer requests are focused on eliminating suffering. Some suffering must be taken away from us, some must end now, but most should remain for a while so we may come out shining like gold. Suffering molds our hearts to see the fallibility of materialism so that God can entrust us with His gold. But churches hate suffering. They ask God for a convenient life. As long as prayers are like that, God will never entrust his gold--his real treasures--to the church, but only His bronze.

If the church today lays hand on any of God's gold, they'll sell it for their own benefit. Solomon's temple of God had everything pure gold on the inside. But everything outside was merely of bronze or a likeness of gold. Pure gold was only allowed for the eyes of the priests, and pure gold in the inner sanctuary was allowed only for the eyes of the high priest, and that only once a year. Mere bronze was what fitted the eyes of the Crowd. And all they could do was peep into the temple court from the outer court and see things of bronze.

The Crowd can only handle bronze, as the church today can only handle God's bronze. The character has yet to be molded and refined before the Church Crowd can handle God's refined gold. So much corruption lies inside churches. Just note how church denominations that elect their church boards allow only the moneyed and titled to occupy position. Have you ever seen a carpenter or a street taho vendor become chairman of a church board?

The money value system is still largely in use.

In God’s present move and in a Jesus Discipleship, material possession is defined or limited by how possessions enable you to meditate the Word with God. Anything else is garbage.

Anyway, a real Jesus Discipleship does not have church boards. It has the nucleus of close-in disciples hand-picked by the pastor (not elected), as Jesus chose "those he wanted" to be among the 12. No election was held.

I and my wife and my disciples have our share of financial woes at times. Most times, by God's grace, we live above financial concerns--not because we have lots of money, but because we learn to live radically simply. The Jesus cross teaches us to live radically simply as Jesus and His disciples did. We haven't mastered it yet but we're on our way there. When the church has mastered this radically simple Jesus LIFE, then God will start pouring in his gold. Prophets of long ago lived thus, too.

Elisha could receive gold, silver, and properties in his time, but he chose to live in a room on a roof with only a bed, table, and chair as furnishing—furnishings simple enough for one to meditate God’s WORD. In God’s present move and in a Jesus Discipleship, material possession is defined or limited by how possessions enable you to meditate the Word with God. Anything else is garbage. 

Only when the church has learned to give up everything will it possess everything. As it is today, church denominations and independent churches race against each other acquiring properties and erecting mega buildings worth millions. For what? They are no different from worldly business corporations coveting everything and even eating each other up. To them, it's still an unseen Gospel.

[Click here for more]

ADAM AND JESUS: Clue to Redemption and Password to God's Present Move

Adam missed the point due to one fatal mistake, but a lot of valuable things in the spirit realms can be gleaned from what God did to him, especially on the coming of the Second Adam, Jesus Christ. This Jewish Christian, Steve Ben-Denoon, shares astonishing finds on the move of God in Eden which is directly linked to the Present Move of God in the end times--from Jesus' time to the present.

I was particularly impressed by how the supernatural work of God necessitated the need to put Adam to a deep sleep (or apply spiritual anesthetic) to perform an operation where Eve was taken out from the body of Adam, and in the same way put Jesus to deep sleep (death in Hebraic culture is "sleep" or "rest") to derive his glorious church from his own body--from his own DNA. 

In these last days, it is vital to focus on God's present move to Jesus' glorious church (which is without spot or wrinkle or any blemish) and how this church will build the Kingdom of God on earth according to God's blueprints. This last move of God before the Second Coming has nothing to do with church denominations. 

Men's churches never tell it like this.

Ben-Denoon did a lot more comparisons worth looking into, and here's the video:

LOSE WEIGHT WITH GOD: And Get Relevant Tips from Medical Science, Too!

Lose weight with God? I know a lot of people will raise their eyebrows at this, as if it's something God cannot do. If you believe nothing is impossible with God, then this ought not to be big deal, right? You can lose weight and be in tiptop health and shape with God as your weight loss coach! If you have the imagination to visualize yourself and God in your weight loss program, then we invite you to know more about this through our e-book, "How to Lose Weight with God's Word and Medical Science!"

God's Word is super powerful with mind and heart motivation. If it can motivate the sick to get healed supernaturally, it can definitely motivate anyone to get fit and healthy. What's more difficult for you to believe, heal the sick, raise the dead, or get fit and healthy with God's Word? It's often the second one that's difficult to have faith in--raise the dead. But God did that to Christ and Christ did that to a number of people. It should be a piece of cake for him to make you lose weight.

The e-book is not about magic--how you'd read the bible tonight and magically become slim the next day. It is more on motivating your heart and mind to aim well at your weight loss target and determine to hit it, come what may. Plus, how medical science supports the bible passages and tips on how to make it more practical.

With God and medical science on your side, how can you fail? If you still fail, then try again. And again. That's how faith works. If it doesn't happen now, then probably tomorrow, and the next day. and the next. and so on. Abraham kept believing even if his body was almost dead and Sarah was dead barren! Then one day it happened! I'm not saying your weight loss will happen a hundred years from now. I'm saying it can happen! Nothing is impossible with God!

You don't need to search the bible and see where the passages are. Just buy the e-book and save yourself the trouble of looking where the relevant verses are. Enough verses are found in the e-book plus medical findings to back them up!

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Zacchaeus: He Wanted Jesus and Got Saved
My Jesus had declared how the rich would find it hard to enter God's Kingdom. But look at Zacchaeus. He was a wealthy chief tax collector. That made it doubly impossible for him to enter God's Kingdom, being rich and chief tax collector--and we know how tax collectors and sinners were synonymous in those days, and perhaps, to some people, even today.

But one thing about Zacchaeus--he wanted Jesus so badly. Can you imagine a wealthy guy climbing up a tree? Well, the so-called Black Nazarene statue paraded every January 9 in Quiapo district, Manila, do have lots of folks climbing up obstacles just to touch it. I'm not talking about something like that. I'm talking about a rich man climbing up a tree "to see who Jesus was" [Luke 19.3]. You see the word who? Multitudes in the Black Nazarene feast just want to touch the wooden idol for some worldly favors, but Zacchaeus wanted to see "who" Jesus was. 

If you want to know who someone is, that's deep. For instance, this showbiz fellow happens to pass by your way, so you grow a bit curious and want to see how he looks like in person. But if you have to literally climb up a tree to do it, I don't think you'd take the trouble. But if you want to know who this guy really is, you'd risk a bit and probably set up a meeting, just like what Zacchaeus did. He was serious.

And he got saved later. "Today, salvation has come to this house," my Jesus declared. And he didn't just get saved. He committed himself--and his wealth. That's something not may wealthy people would do. Remember the rich young ruler?

Genuine Salvation Factors

A lot of people went with Jesus, multitudes of them--most of them getting so blessed, but only a few committed to Jesus. To genuinely get saved by grace through faith and go on being saved and growing in Christ, we need to see important points here. Watch these vital elements for genuine salvation:
  • Hunger to see who Jesus is
  • Commitment to surrender all
  • In step with God's plan and time
We can keep inviting everyone in our evangelism crusades and meetings, but majority of those folks would end up shouting later, "Crucify him! Crucify him!" Yeah, they may become active church members and givers and quite "faithful" at that. But I notice that majority of "believers" forced into membership by human effort (even sincere efforts) end up just being part of the crowd, if not the order of the Pharisees. These are people "repeatedly invited, followed up, pestered or forced to join the church" prodded by the desire to up church membership and grow the denomination.

[Continued Here]...