Showing posts with label EBooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EBooks. Show all posts

When God's Promises Don't Seem to Work for You

We have medicines, hospitals and doctors today. They help a lot. They're also part of God's solutions to our health problems. I use them when God tells me to. But nothing beats HIS powerful miraculous promises in the bible. I won't exchange them for anything in this modern world, not even for modern medical science. And God still wants us to use them today.

[Photo above by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash]. 

God talked with Moses face-to-face as a man speaks to a friend. And God promised him that “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” God's promises worked for Moses in powerful ways. Moses didn't just talk or preach about God's promises or taught them in Sunday school to the Israelites. He demonstrated GOD's supernatural powers. When Moses asked God for anything, God literally moved in awesome signs and wonders. What more to us who are co-heirs with Christ?

God's awesome promises also worked easily for Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, David and the New Testament apostles, prophets and evangelists. Even in the ministries of Isaiah and Jeremiah, God did awesome wonders. As well as the minor prophets. The fact that they received God's prophecies supernaturally was an awesome sign and wonder. God's promise worked for them. But why won't the promises work as easily today? 

Tell me honestly--when was the last time a paralytic was miraculously healed in your church service or a few loaves of bread and fish multiplied to feed 5,000 with just a short thank you prayer in your church ministry? And when was the last time God's miracle promises worked powerfully for you? The few "miracles" that are reportedly happening today are often nothing but scams to make big money. This is why bible "experts" and teachers decide that miracles and signs and wonders are over. They're no longer of this "dispensation."

But they are not. As sure as God exists, miracles remain possible. Jesus promised that anyone who believes will be able to do what he did and greater works shall they do [John 14.12]. This promise has no expiration date. Jesus didn't put any. The only barrier to God's awesome miracles is the quality of faith---if we seriously believe with all our hearts. We have to have Jesus' own radical faith, no less. Does the church teach us how? NO. But  we all have to pursue this today! The church has got to go back to God's powerful ways through Jesus Christ.


Jesus promised that he himself will do "anything" we ask of him [John 14.14] and if we believe that anything we say or declare will happen without a shadow of a doubt, it surely will [Mark 11.22-23]. 
"...and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them."
Just imagine that! Nonetheless, many today still miss this opportunity to do ministry in God's awesome miraculous power. Why? Because of teachings and doctrines in church that insist miracles and signs and wonders are a thing of the past. It's their doctrine to trash GOD's miracles as a thing of the past. But we can make them a powerful reality again today by believing with all our hearts the bible principles behind signs and wonders and miracles. Do you know them?

If miracles worked in the ministries of the Old Testament prophets, it will work for us today because Jesus Christ is 100 percent in our bodies. HE is really alive and present in us. That's a sure fact. He is actually living in us (Christ in you the hope of glory), as the Apostle Paul testified that he no longer lived but Christ lived in him. Thus, the powerful miracles in his ministry. 

Unlike in the Old Testament when the Holy Spirit of Jesus didn't yet indwell believers. They were merely used by the Holy Spirit. Today, HE indwells us. GOD LIVES IN OUR BODIES! These are ideal times to replicate what Jesus, the apostles and prophets did in the bible. All we need to do is believe the bible principles on signs and wonders which is part of Jesus' apostolic teachings (lots of church and seminary people, titled and degreed, do not know Jesus' apostolic teachings. Apostolic teachings were what the Acts church focused on in their worship, fellowship and daily lives:

Acts 2:42"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers"

Today, you can do the same works Jesus did if you know what makes God's promises work for you and what makes them cease to work aside from unbelief. Aside from sin, what other reasons hinder God's promises in the bible to take awesome effect in your life? Find them all out in this e-book, "When God's Promises Doesn't Seem to Work for You."

Know the powerful Kingdom principles as the Holy Spirit reveals them to you in God's Word. This includes radical and even "extreme" truths in the bible but which are often overlooked or simply ignored (or belittled or mocked)---or labeled cultic---by many today. 

The e-book topics and discussions are as follows: 

  • Unreasonable Faith
  • Why Jesus Had to Walk on Water
  • The Need to Be Radical
  • Start with Simple
  • Ignore Discouragements and Negatives
  • Getting used to the Kingdom
  • Church mindsets that prevent you from connecting to God's power.

Plus More! 

Hospitals, medicines and doctors are God's blessings to us today. Avail of them when you can. I believe God uses them, too. But saying there are no more instant, on-the-spot miraculous healing today (and on a regular basis. In fact, this should be the ministry norm). They insist that God now uses medical science alone. Doctors, hospitals and medicines are good, but His supernatural promises and miracles still work! GOD's design for HIS church is to display HIS awesome supernatural power. Leave medical science and medicines to the doctors and hospitals. 

For only Php 800.00 get a PDF copy of the e-book now and support my house-church ministry doing so! I don't believe in begging money or soliciting to support ministry. I believe in what Paul said about God's servants "receiving their living from the Gospel," [1 Corinthians 9.14]. So I sell e-books instead. The P400 will help support the house-church ministry God gave me. Use the link below!

UNSEEN GOSPEL: And even if our gospel is unseen, it is unseen to those who are perishing. 
[2 Corinthians 4.3]

You Believe the Promises But They Don't Seem to Work for You
Have you experienced how God's promises don't seem to work for you, though you believe them with all your heart? Well, the good news is, you're not alone. Probably thousands of other believers have the same problem.

Often, our prayers can't even seem to deal with simple headaches and fevers. We pray with all our hearts, claim promises in the bible, but the headache and fever continues. Well, at least, many others experience the same thing. You're not alone.

Another good news is, God's promises are designed to work for you, no matter what your experience with them is--even if no promise of God seems to work in your life at the moment. In truth, He wants all his promises to work for you. Remember this passage?
Ask and it will be given to you; [Matthew 7.7]
As simple as that. Just ask.

But often, we get nothing.

God wants to have his promises work in your life, daily, but sometimes they don't seem to because of certain blockages that clog your faith. When we're exposed to too much religious teachings and too much of the world, clutter starts clogging the smooth flow of faith from our hearts to the fulfillment of God's promises in our lives.

So, the thing is how to get rid of the clogging and stop the clutter from collecting inside our faith system. Clutter comes when religion makes faith complicated--especially when different denominations tell you different and divergent things--and especially if they contradict the bible. Then add to that what we regularly get from the world via the Net, TV, newspapers or radio.

You want to get out of the mess?
This e-book will help you identify problems and fix them when God's Promises don't seem to work for you. Sometimes, everything seems like a joke. But you have to know what to do when such seasons come. Remember, there's a time for everything.

A time for planting and a time for harvesting. When you're a seed planted deep in the soil, your surroundings get dark. There's no light deep down in the soil. And then the seed dies before it pops up above ground. See?

To learn more about such times--and get tips on how to make God's promises work for you--get a PDF copy of the e-book, "When God's Promises Don't Seem to Work for You."

Visit this link to get to Paypal where you make the purchase. After paying, Paypal will take you to my Expert Builder blog for the PDF download.

Why We Have Forgotten How to Pray for a Miracle
Tell me honestly---do you know how to pray for a miracle? How many times have your prayers for miracles been answered? How often do you enjoy miracles happening especially when you need them most? When was the last time you prayed for the sick and the sick got healed instantly?

The reason many churches have forgotten (or take for granted) how to pray for miracles is because the prayers are seldom answered. Taking medicines seem more effective. For instance, your stomach went berserk and the pain is killing you. What would you do--pray for healing or take an anti-diarrhea pill?

You'd do both, wouldn't you? Why both?

Well, some people say just in case the prayer doesn't get answered right away, you have a back up solution to rely on--the pill. It's true--and most of us do this today.

What happened to supernatural faith?

Faith should grow and it grows only when often used in real life with the Word. Most churches today don't practice faith for healing and the supernatural acts of God. Through years and even decades of doing so, they have lost faith in it and don't know how to really go about it.

So, they rely on doctors and medicines instead. Nothing wrong with this, but look at this passage in the bible:
In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet. Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the LORD, but only from the physicians. [2 chronicles 16]
It's not God's will that we rely on physicians alone. We should be more seriously seeking God's supernatural help. I still have to see a church that majors in God's healing missions rather than medical missions. 

The church has to go back learning how to operate in God's signs and wonders, specifically how to pray for God's miracles and benefit from them right now--not after a week or month. We have to learn the principles in the bible, believe them with all our heart, and practice them.

This EBook Will Help You

This e-book, "How to Pray for God's Miracles in Your Life" will help you with the vital basics of this supernatural Kingdom technology. Then, we can be a spiritual church again like the Acts church was. 

Secrets on How to be Approved by God: Easily Attract God's Favor
Getting God's favor---it's the most important thing in life---in fact, the ONLY important thing in life, more important than your career, ambitions and even your family. If you please only your family and have not God's favor, you forfeit yourself and your family of a very precious thing. But if you please God, you and your family have everything God has for you.

The one key to getting approved by God is this:
For on Christ, God the Father has placed his seal of approval. [John 6.27]
God's approval is on Jesus Christ alone. Jesus alone can please the Father. So, unless the Father sees Christ in you, you get no favor from him. Zero. Nil. Nada. Even if you're so active in church and multi-awarded. Thus, the most important thing in life is to manifest the life of Jesus in your life, in your body. And the good news is that this is all by God's grace through faith in Christ. It isn't through some good works or sacrifice or religion or church ministry or by being good or nice.

It starts the moment you repent of sins, receive Jesus Christ into your life as Savior and Lord, surrender your life 100% to him, and meditate and live out his WORD daily.

No wonder Paul urged Christians about this truth:
Christ in you the hope of glory. [Colossians 1.27]
St. Paul further emphasized the need to super prioritize putting Christ in you before anything else in life. He said he trashed everything so he may gain Christ. You see, he had every reason to brag about his achievements. But he realized that as long as he held on to them, he would never have Christ. And without Christ, you have zero favor with the Father.
I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ. [Philippians 3.8]
There are vital Kingdom principles we should know to be approved by God and easily attract God's favor in everything we do. One principle is living the life of Christ so that the Father sees Christ in us instead of merely seeing us. God's grace is in Christ. In fact, Jesus is the grace. If God sees only us, the bible says everything we do is like filthy rags in his sight. This is true whatever religion you have---even if you're born again.

Revealing Christ in you is one principle. 

There are more principles in the Old and New Testaments we should learn to understand what God's grace gives us to get his approval for our lives and what we do. If by God's grace these principles are present in your life daily, you easily attract God's favor.

The good news is, the principles are laid out in my e-book, "Leaving the Land of Slavery." This 188-page e-book shares the different Kingdom principles found in the bible and how to apply them in our daily lives effectively.

LOSE WEIGHT WITH GOD: And Get Relevant Tips from Medical Science, Too!

Lose weight with God? I know a lot of people will raise their eyebrows at this, as if it's something God cannot do. If you believe nothing is impossible with God, then this ought not to be big deal, right? You can lose weight and be in tiptop health and shape with God as your weight loss coach! If you have the imagination to visualize yourself and God in your weight loss program, then we invite you to know more about this through our e-book, "How to Lose Weight with God's Word and Medical Science!"

God's Word is super powerful with mind and heart motivation. If it can motivate the sick to get healed supernaturally, it can definitely motivate anyone to get fit and healthy. What's more difficult for you to believe, heal the sick, raise the dead, or get fit and healthy with God's Word? It's often the second one that's difficult to have faith in--raise the dead. But God did that to Christ and Christ did that to a number of people. It should be a piece of cake for him to make you lose weight.

The e-book is not about magic--how you'd read the bible tonight and magically become slim the next day. It is more on motivating your heart and mind to aim well at your weight loss target and determine to hit it, come what may. Plus, how medical science supports the bible passages and tips on how to make it more practical.

With God and medical science on your side, how can you fail? If you still fail, then try again. And again. That's how faith works. If it doesn't happen now, then probably tomorrow, and the next day. and the next. and so on. Abraham kept believing even if his body was almost dead and Sarah was dead barren! Then one day it happened! I'm not saying your weight loss will happen a hundred years from now. I'm saying it can happen! Nothing is impossible with God!

You don't need to search the bible and see where the passages are. Just buy the e-book and save yourself the trouble of looking where the relevant verses are. Enough verses are found in the e-book plus medical findings to back them up!

To buy, choose the options below:

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Use this link for other options for buying if you don't have a Paypal account!

How to Experience the Supernatural Now with Prayers

The supernatural is rarely seen in churches today, if any. But if you hunger for the days in the bible when God's signs and wonders and miracles happened left and right, then you are in the right direction. And it's not yet too late to start it. God never changes. 

You can experience the supernatural now with prayers if you know the right principles to apply. Prayer that results to God's supernatural powers is not the prayer recitals we often hear in churches today--using eloquent words that sound more like poems or oratory than talking with God. Or something that sounds more like opening remarks in a formal college event or a privilege speech in Congress--but gets no result.

Where are the Miracles Today?

Honestly, a lot of prayers today don't get answered, and if something seem to get answered it is merely God's general provision for both the good and evil--both good and bad people get the provision, with or without prayers. Many of us are tired of things like that.

We want stuff we see in the bible happen to us today. Don't you want to see believers turning water into wine, walking on water, commanding clouds to rain or stop raining, or dividing entire seas so we can cross over continents on dry ground? Unbelievers would laugh at this as something stupid, but serious believers like you won't. But you just don't know how to start it. 

The e-book, "How to Pray for God's Miracles in Your Life--and Experience the Supernatural," shares vital Kingdom principles on how to operate in God's signs and wonders and miracles as they happened in the bible--or how to join God in his ministry today in the modern world. If you seriously long for the days when God personally intervened in the church with his supernatural presence, this e-book is for you.

Or, you probably just need an urgent miracle in your life--for yourself or a loved one--and you need to have a solid bible foundation to have your prayers powerfully trigger it. You don't know where in the bible the principles involved are specifically found and you want one single book to tell you all about it so you won't have to search for them yourself. Then this e-book is a must-have.

Buy Now!

The e-book costs you only US$ 3.50 or only about Php 154.00 or so. After paying through Paypal, you will be immediately brought to a webpage where you click a button to download your PDF copy of the e-book right away! You get the e-book a few seconds after paying!