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Moses told the Israelites: "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD...The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Isn't that what we've always been told as the right thing to do? But God surprised him with a new and radical solution. He said: "Why are you crying out to Me?...lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, [Exodus 14].
In short, God told him to "divide it"! You see that? It wasn't God who'd divide it but Moses. Yes, it would be God behind it all but Moses had to divide it. In fact, God asked Moses why he was still praying when he had power to command nature, even divide somethings as big as the Red Sea. So Moses raised his hand to lift up his staff over the sea and, sure enough, it divided. In effect, he commanded the sea using his staff.
Look at what God did. First, he renewed Moses' mind. Second, he gave him a powerful, radical mindset. Moses was uninitiated in God's supernatural powers until one day, out in the mountains, he saw God's burning bush. Then he saw how God's supernatural power was unleashed against Egypt at his command. From the unspiritual Moses who used human effort to do God's will (he killed an Egyptian to save a Jew), he became a supernatural Moses who did everything in God's supernatural power.
The church must likewise transform in these last days to get across from the world system and conquer the Promise Land, as it were.
Genuine mind power is achieved by being super close to God. It is not your mind that does the supernatural act but God's mind (the mind of Christ) which God transfers to you that does it. Jesus said, "Anyone who has faith in me will do the works I am doing. And greater things shall he do," [John 14.12].
Also, Isaiah 44.26 declares:
"(God) carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers."
When your mind is renewed to have God's creative mind, something like this happens:
"And may these words of mine, which I have prayed before the LORD, be near to the LORD our God day and night, that he may uphold the cause of his servant and the cause of his people Israel according to each day's need," [1 Kings 8.59]. Your closeness to God should be such that your words are "near to the Lord our God day and night." That's the powerful secret behind having the supernatural power and mind of God--depth in God, in his Word, in prayer, and in God's nature. Remember, we are "created to be like God" in righteousness and holiness [Ephesians 4.24].
Some offer the occult for gaining supernatural powers. I'd like to point out that God is the Creator. His supernatural power is the original. The devil only copied it, and with poor quality at that. The sad thing is, earthly Christians know nothing about God's power so they label anything supernatural as the devil's. They made Christianity as a purely logical religion--they say there is a logical reason for everything that happens, even insisting that the Acts believers were able to speak in tongues on the day of Pentecost because they studied different languages months before it.
We should be imitators of God as his dearly loved children" [Ephesians 5.1] and start living the life of God in Christ Jesus. We should use the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us (guided and boosted by the fruit of the Spirit) and start outdoing the occult in supernatural powers. As it is, people consult mediums and feng shui experts to get blessed and protected, not church pastors, because they see how the occult seems more powerful than God's servants. All they know is their powerless human theology and debate about useless concepts. You can never rule and reign in the spirit realm with that.
Among the last moves of God before Jesus comes back is to use his supernatural church to display His manifold wisdom to angels and devils to glorify God and incite fear of God among people.
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, [Ephesians 3.10].
The church will have God's powerful mind to make himself known and workout his will and plans with accuracy and finality. And part of that is the church commanding nature with a word to hasten the preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth,
Yes, believe me--genuine supernatural power belongs to God and his servants, not the occult.
For an e-book about operating in God's miracles today, please refer to the Jesus DNA EBooks on the sidebar.
For an e-book about operating in God's miracles today, please refer to the Jesus DNA EBooks on the sidebar.
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