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God gives money and possessions to the wicked but the Jesus cross he gives only to highly favored ones. And the cross was what Jesus, John, and the Acts apostles got for giving their all to God in true, genuine faith.
Give and it will be given to you. What will God give you if you give faithfully? The cross of Jesus. No, you don’t need to be crucified for your sins, but you’re given the rare privilege of suffering for the Name. It's a rare blessing only for a chosen few.
The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. [Acts 5.41]
And the cross is not just a blessing but high call:
To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. [1 Peter 2.21]
Definitely, poverty is not God's will, as I have explained in an earlier article. God's will is that in the church there ought to be wealth distribution--everyone laying down their money at the apostles' feet who in turn distribute to everyone according to their needs. Jesus and the Acts church did this. The modern church cannot, because their denominations refuse to give up anything. They all want to horde wealth.
So today in churches, there are testimonies about how some gave and got richer, and then the rest try to do the same in hopes of enjoying the same results. The principle actually is encouraged in the spirit of envy and covetousness, not equality and love--surrendering wealth to be equally distributed to all, which is clearly God's will if we honestly read the bible.
The Acts church willingly laid down their all so that all could benefit from God's blessings. There were no rich and poor. Everyone was equal to another. Unlike today, you see people in church with luxurious lifestyles and also some who are in dire need. You see pastors with big ministries live in luxury while others are poor and barely getting decent meals daily. Yet, nothing is done about this. Instead, those with money brag about getting favored by God and flaunt their blessings about, telling marginalized brethren that they're not giving enough.
They don't realize that God gives riches so that those who get them can give them all up for the work of God in church. And God wants them to give up everything, not just give their tithes and offering and donate a bit here and there. Moreover, rich people in church should understand that being rich doesn't make them better or smarter persons than others so they can be authorities on giving and lecture people around like some big bosses. Their riches were not due to their abilities but solely because of God's grace and mercy, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
I have yet to hear a really blessed, moneyed and yet humble guy lecture on giving and blessings, saying that he has nothing to do with any of it because it's all by God's grace. It's not because of his smartness or rare insights or skills or formula or the amount of his giving or how many people he has helped. It's solely because God wants to do something and it so happens he saw the guy and decided to have him handle some of his money for him. "So that's all I am--a caretaker of God's money by his grace and mercy. Nothing special except that I'm saved and chosen by grace!"
Then probably he may offer some tips.
Remember, it's not because you're a giver or the amount you give.
This greedy interpretation of Luke 6.38 ought to be stopped in church if real revival is desired. God is indeed faithful--when he says he will bless you more when you give, he will. But we should not do it in the spirit of making more money and make it a business. If you want more money, do a business. If you want to please God because you love him, give and even give everything you own. For sure, God will bless you. And the highest blessing is the Jesus cross.
Give and it will given to you. What will be given you? The fasted life of Jesus Christ. Read about it in Luke 6. That's the context.
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